Python decorators are a powerful tool to remove redundancy. Along with modularizing functionality into appropriate bite-sized methods, it makes even the most complex workflows into concise functionality.

For example, let’s look at the Django web framework, which handles requests by methods which receive a method object and return a response object:

def handle_request(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, World")

A case I ran into recently was having to write several api methods which must:

  • return json responses
  • some must return an error code if it’s a GET request vs a POST

As an example, for a register api endpoint, I would write something like this:

def register(request):
    result = None
    # check for post only
    if request.method != 'POST':
        result = {"error": "this method only accepts posts!"}
            user = User.objects.create_user(request.POST['username'],
            # optional fields
            for field in ['first_name', 'last_name']:
                if field in request.POST:
                    setattr(user, field, request.POST[field])
            result = {"success": True}
        except KeyError as e:
            result = {"error": str(e) }
    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
    if "error" in result:
        response.status_code = 500
    return response

However, I’m going to need json responses and error returned in pretty much every api method I create. This would result in a majority of logic reproduced over and over again. Let’s try implementing some DRY principles with decorators.

Decorator Introduction #

If you’re not familiar with decorators, they are effectively function wrappers that are run when the python interpreter loads the function, and can modify what the function receives and returns. For example, if I wanted to always return an integer result of one larger than whatever was returned, I could write my decorator as so:

# a decorator receives the method it's wrapping as a variable 'f'
def increment(f):
    # we use arbitrary args and keywords to
    # ensure we grab all the input arguments.
    def wrapped_f(*args, **kw):
        # note we call f against the variables passed into the wrapper,
        # and cast the result to an int and increment .
        return int(f(*args, **kw)) + 1
    return wrapped_f  # the wrapped function gets returned.

And now we can use it to decorate another method using the ‘@’ symbol:

def plus(a, b):
    return a + b

result = plus(4, 6)
assert(result == 11, "We wrote our decorator wrong!")

Decorators modify the existing function, and assign the variable to whatever is returned by the decorator. In this case, ‘plus’ really refers to the result of increment(plus)

Return an error on non-post requests #

Now let’s apply decorators to something useful. Let’s make a decorator that returns an error response if the request received isn’t a POST request in django:

def post_only(f):
    """ Ensures a method is post only """
    def wrapped_f(request):
        if request.method != "POST":
            response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(
                {"error": "this method only accepts posts!"}))
            response.status_code = 500
            return response
        return f(request)
    return wrapped_f

Now, we can apply this to our register api above:

def register(request):
    result = None
        user = User.objects.create_user(request.POST['username'],
        # optional fields
        for field in ['first_name', 'last_name']:
            if field in request.POST:
                setattr(user, field, request.POST[field])
        result = {"success": True}
    except KeyError as e:
        result = {"error": str(e) }
    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
    if "error" in result:
        response.status_code = 500
    return response

And now we have a repeatable decorator we can apply to every api method we have.

Send the response as json #

To send the response as json (and also handle the 500 status code while we’re at it), we can just create another decorator:

def json_response(f):
    """ Return the response as json, and return a 500 error code if an error exists """
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        result = f(*args, **kwargs)
        response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))
        if type(result) == dict and 'error' in result:
            response.status_code = 500
        return response

Now we can remove the json code from our methods, and add a decorator instead:

def register(request):
        user = User.objects.create_user(request.POST['username'],
        # optional fields
        for field in ['first_name', 'last_name']:
            if field in request.POST:
                setattr(user, field, request.POST[field])
        return {"success": True}
    except KeyError as e:
        return {"error": str(e) }

Now, if I need to write a new method, I can just use these decorators to re-do the redundant work. If I need to make a sign-in method, I only have to write the real relevant code a second time:

def login(request):
    if request.user is not None:
        return {"error": "User is already authenticated!"}
    user = auth.authenticate(request.POST['username'], request.POST['password'])
    if user is not None:
        if not user.is_active:
            return {"error": "User is inactive"}
        auth.login(request, user)
        return {"success": True, "id":}
        return {"error": "User does not exist with those credentials"}

BONUS: parameterizing your request method #

I’ve used the Turbogears framework for python, and something I’ve fallen in love with is the way query parameters are interpreted and passed directory into the method. So how can I mimic this behaviour in Django? Well, a decorator is one way!

Here’s one:

def parameterize_request(types=("POST",)):
    Parameterize the request instead of parsing the request directly.
    Only the types specified will be added to the query parameters.

    e.g. convert a=test&b=cv in request.POST to
    f(a=test, b=cv)
    def wrapper(f):
        def wrapped(request):
            kw = {}
            if "GET" in types:
                for k, v in request.GET.items():
                    kw[k] = v
            if "POST" in types:
                for k, v in request.POST.items():
                    kw[k] = v
            return f(request, **kw)
        return wrapped
    return wrapper

Note that this is an example of a parameterized decorator. In this case, the result of the function is the actual decorator.

Now, I can write my methods with parameterized arguments! I can even choose whether to allow GET and POST, or just one type of query parameter.

def register(request, username, email, password,
             first_name=None, last_name=None):
    user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)
    return {"success": True}

Now, we have a succinct, and easily understandable api!

BONUS #2: Using functools.wraps to preserve docstrings and function name #

(Credit goes to Wes Turner to pointing this out)

Unfortunately, one of the side effects of using decorators is that the method’s name (name) and docstring (doc) values are not preserved:

def increment(f):
    """ Increment a function result """
    wrapped_f(a, b):
        return f(a, b) + 1
    return wrapped_f

def plus(a, b)
    """ Add two things together """
    return a + b

plus.__name__  # this is now 'wrapped_f' instead of 'plus'
plus.__doc__   # this now returns 'Increment a function result' instead of 'Add two things together'

This causes issues for applications which use reflection, like Sphinx, a library to that automatically generates documentation for your python code.

To resolve this, you can use a ‘wraps’ decorator to attach the name and docstring:

from functools import wraps

def increment(f):
    """ Increment a function result """
    wrapped_f(a, b):
        return f(a, b) + 1
    return wrapped_f

def plus(a, b)
    """ Add two things together """
    return a + b

plus.__name__  # this returns 'plus'
plus.__doc__   # this returns 'Add two things together'

BONUS #3: Using the ‘decorator’ decorator #

(Credit goes to LeszekSwirski for this awesome tip.)

** NOTE ** : Elghinn mentions in the comments that there are caveats to using this decorator.

If you look at the way decorators above, there is a lost of repeating going on there as well, in the declaring and returning of a wrapper.

you can install the python egg ‘decorator’, which includes a ‘decorator’ decorator that provides the decorator boilerplate for you!

With easy_install:

sudo easy_install decorator

Or Pip:

pip install decorator

Then you can simply write:

from decorator import decorator

def post_only(f, request):
    """ Ensures a method is post only """
    if request.method != "POST":
        response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(
            {"error": "this method only accepts posts!"}))
        response.status_code = 500
        return response
    return f(request)

What’s even more awesome about this decorator, is the fact that it preserves the return values of name and doc, so it wraps in the functionality functools.wraps performs as well!